Zmergo 20 days for 20 years of activity

Zmergo 20 days for 20 years of activity

24.8.2014. - 5.9.2014.

Association Žmergo through twenty days will mark 20 years of activity. Interesting informational and promotional and educational program will provide participants with insight into the current work, as well as new findings related to environmental protection, conservation of natural and cultural heritage and sustainable development.

Aug. 24 training composting Citizens

August 26th - September 15th Exhibition of photographs: ECO - changes today and sutra- Kras Choco Bar Opatija

August 30 - Ecological marketplace Opatija in front of marketplace Opatija

3 to 5 September - Regional Conference: Models of cooperation in the transfer of environmental policies - Grand Hotel Adriatic

5 September - Žmergo eco island - primarily waste separation, in front of marketplace Opatija

mehrHinzugefügt: 29.08.2014 18:18
zuletzt geändert: 29.08.2014 18:18

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